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Ketamine Therapy FAQ's

Read some of our most commonly asked questions.

Your Ketamine Therapy Questions, Answered

Whether you're curious about the treatment process, potential side effects, or the success rates of ketamine therapy, we've compiled a list of frequently asked questions to guide you through the process. Our goal is to provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision about your mental health treatment options

  • What is Ketamine Therapy and How Does it Work?
    For decades, scientists believed that depression was due to an imbalance of neurotransmitters (chemical signals) in the brain. We now know that this is not the whole story. People with depression have fewer connections between neurons, and their brains show abnormal patterns of activity in specific neural networks. Ketamine causes the growth of new connections between neurons and can help restore normal patterns of brain activity. Unlike most psychiatric medications, which attempt to balance levels of neurotransmitters, ketamine sets off changes in the brain that can lead to continued benefits even after the medication leaves your body. People with trauma, anxiety, and depression have often built narratives about themselves and the world around them that were helpful at one point, but have become entrenched, have outlived their usefulness, and are now the source of much suffering. Think of these narratives like walls that were once built to protect you, but now actually imprison you. Given the chance to break free, where would you go? What would you see? What would you learn along the way? Ketamine reduces the activity of the brain network that generates thoughts about ourselves (the "default mode network). Because of this, ketamine offers a temporary escape from these narratives. This "departure" from the ordinary state of consciousness can be the start of a healing journey. Ketamine alone however cannot do all the heavy lifting to help you get better. This is why the best and long-lasting effects of ketamine therapy are achieved with concurrent and specifically integrated therapy sessions.
  • Is Ketamine Therapy Safe and Effective?
    Ketamine therapy, when provided with the correct components, can be both safe and effective. When we think of ketamine therapy we should really think of a 3 pronged approach which includes the ketamine administered in a way that provides high bioavailability, appropriate ketamine-assisted psychotherapy to help integrate and guide the patient, and for the treatment to be administered in the right set and setting. Set refers to the mind set before the treatment and setting refers to the location and space where the treatment is administered. The best location would be a calm relaxing place that the person can relax and let go so the treatment can have maximum effect. As far as safety, ketamine has one of the best safety profiles of any anesthetic drug on the market. It has been FDA approved for over 50 years and has a great track record. Ketamine is so safe that currently in the hospital it is used mainly for children. Ketamine is also not known to suppress breathing and is very hemodynamically stable especially in the low doses used to treat mental health and chronic pain.
  • How long does Ketamine Therapy take to work?
    Ketamine Therapy is a process and it takes several sessions before long lasting changes in behaviors can occur. Part of the reason why is because with ketamine therapy we are forming new neuronal connections via a process called neuroplasticity. This process takes time not just to form the new connections but also to re-enforce them and make them more robust. Current studies with ketamine therapy are showing that on average most patients will start to notice significant behavior changes between session 4 and session 8. Patients that see the best results are those that are dedicated to continue to practice and reinforce the new behaviors outside of the clinic.
  • How is Ketamine Therapy Administered?
    There are several ways to administer ketamine and they all have their own pros and cons. Currently the gold standard of ketamine therapy involves getting an intravenous infusion of ketamine. This type of administration is ideal because it is 100% bioavailable, meaning that 100% of the medicine given will reach the target receptors and act on them. The infusion is also very titratable which means that if the patient is not in the therapeutics zone, the infusion can be increased or decreased accordingly to achieve the therapeutic zone where the patient can maximize their time doing the important subconscious work needed for long lasting results. The infusion unlike any other way of ketamine administration will allow the maximum time in the therapeutics zone to allow the patient to work through trauma subconsciously.
  • What are the Side Effects of Ketamine Therapy?
    Ketamine therapy is extremely safe. The main side effect from ketamine therapy is nausea and vomiting. This tends to happen during the actual ketamine infusion and for a short period afterwards. Nausea usually occurs in 10-20% of patient and can be treated with oral, intramuscular or IV anti-nausea medicine. Some patients prefer a more natural drug free nausea prevention with essential oil or ginger chews.
  • How Frequently Do I Come in for Treatment?
    During the initial induction phase, most patients come in once a week for the six-week induction course. If someone shows a positive response to the induction course, we then work with patients on creating an individualized maintenance treatment course with less frequent treatments.
  • Is Ketamine Therapy FDA-approved for Depression Treatment?
    Ketamine was FDA approved in 1970 for human use. Currently, the only ketamine therapy that is approved by the FDA for the indication of depression only is esketamine which is an intranasal ketamine. The bioavailability of intranasal ketamine is low (25%-50%) and the variable absorption make it non-ideal if you are looking to maximize results.
  • How Does Ketamine Therapy Compare to Other Depression Treatments?
    Compared to oral medications, ketamine has almost double the effectiveness. Oral medications are effective in 50% of patients. If a patient fails the first trial than they have a 10-20% chance of being successful with subsequent oral medications. In comparison, 85% of patients will experience symptom relief after 4-8 ketamine sessions and nearly 50% of them will achieve complete remission. One of the reasons that ketamine is such an effective treatments is because ketamine therapy taps into the subconscious reasons of why someone is experiencing the symptoms of depression, PTSD and anxiety. Once an individual works through the core problems, their symptoms tend to resolve themselves. In contrast, standard oral medications only treat the symptoms.
  • What is the Cost of Ketamine Therapy and Is It Covered by Insurance?
    The cost of ketamine therapy can have wide ranges depending on what level of care you want to receive. In general, infusions tend to be the more expensive, particularly if they are paired with ketamine - assisted psychotherapy provided by a trained physician. Research does show that the best outcomes are achieved when ketamine is administered as an infusion and it is paired with ketamine - assisted psychotherapy. Ketamine therapy for mental health is currently not fully covered by insurance. Ketamine therapy can be covered with Health Savings Account (HSA) of FSA. In addition if you have a PPO insurance or other insurance that allows for out of network providers then we can generate superbills for your visits and help you submit them to your insurance for reimbursement. Our platform makes the process easy and streamlined. Ask us about our interest free financing!
  • Is Ketamine and Ketamine Therapy Legal?
    Ketamine is 100% legal in all 50 states to be used under the care of a trained physician. Ketamine is considered one of the safest medications that we have and as such it has a prominent role in pediatric anesthesia and sedation. Ketamine was first approved by the FDA for human use in 1970 and has been used in hospitals and clinic ever since.
  • What will my experience be like with Ketamine Therapy?
    After your virtual intake with our board-certified psychiatrist, you will come into our unique immersive environment clinic where you will have your first ketamine journey. The journey lasts 2- 2.5 hours and has 2 components. First is the ketamine experience and after that you will have a private ketamine assisted psychotherapy session with one of our experienced providers. The ketamine journey is described as a non-linear and non-verbal experience, but many patients describe sensations of floating, dissociation, visual and other sensory experiences. Sometimes the visuals are scenes but other times they can be colors or geometric patterns. The best part is that not every journey is the same so your experience will be different every time.
  • Do I need a psychiatric referral to receive ketamine therapy?
    No, you do not need a psychiatric referral to receive ketamine therapy at Propel Therapeutics. Our ketamine therapy clinic is staffed by licensed medical professionals who are trained to evaluate and treat patients with a variety of mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, and chronic pain. We will conduct a thorough evaluation of your medical history and current symptoms to determine if ketamine therapy is an appropriate treatment option for you. If you have any questions or concerns about the process, our team is always available to answer your questions and provide support.
  • Are ketamine infusions addictive?
    At Propel Therapeutics, we understand that seeking treatment for mental health concerns can be a daunting experience. We want to address any questions or concerns you may have about our treatments, including ketamine infusions. One common question we receive is whether ketamine infusions are addictive. The short answer is no, they are not addictive. Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic that works by altering brain chemistry to improve mood and alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety. When administered in a controlled clinical setting by trained professionals, the risk of addiction is extremely low. However, it is important to note that ketamine is a controlled substance and should only be used under the guidance of a licensed medical professional. At Propel Therapeutics, we take all necessary precautions to ensure the safety and well-being of our patients. We perform thorough assessments and monitor patients closely during and after treatment to minimize any potential risks. If you have any further questions about ketamine infusions or any other treatments we offer, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to support you on your journey towards mental wellness.
  • How Does Ketamine Work?
    Ketamine works differently than traditional psychiatric medications. During a treatment session, ketamine dramatically changes the normal pattern of brain activity. Groups of neurons that are normally active are silenced, and other groups of neurons that are normally quiet come alive. In this state, painful thought patterns—the ones that hold you back from the life you are meant to live—are disrupted. In their place, you experience an expanded and mentally flexible state of consciousness that allows for a transformative experience of the self and the world. In this state, you are free to explore and update your internal models of relating to yourself and the world. You are able to let go of the past and reconnect with your authentic self. Through this process, you can move from vigilance to safety, from pain to acceptance, from isolation to connection, and from powerlessness to agency. The healing possibilities of your journeys are endless. In the hours and days after a treatment session, ketamine stimulates increased neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s innate ability to change and adapt as the result of new experiences. The brain changes itself by rewiring connections between neurons. Ketamine leads to a temporary increase in the brain’s ability to build and remodel these connections. Neuroplasticity is what makes learning and memory possible. Repetition of new information facilitates stronger connections between neurons and makes the new pathway stronger. Each ketamine journey offers increased flexibility and creates space for positive and healthy thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Intentionally revisiting and practicing these new thoughts, feelings, and behaviors during the window of increased neuroplasticity will build strong new pathways in your brain. This empowers you to establish a new normal and live the life you choose for yourself.
  • When is the right time to start a course of ketamine therapy?
    Beginning ketamine treatment is a commitment to multiple treatments over the course of six weeks, with a strong possibility of long-term maintenance treatment. Before starting treatment, consider whether this is the right time. Do you have a major move, job change, or travel plans coming up? Please consider how your work or school schedule might accommodate ketamine treatment. We recommend that you take the rest of the day off following each journey. It is essential that you have time and space to rest, reflect, and engage in self-care for the remainder of the day after each journey. Please consider whether you may need support for childcare or any other responsibilities. Ketamine treatment can be emotionally intense and physically tiring. It can be helpful to notify family and friends in advance that you may need extra support during this time.
  • What should I bring to my ketamine therapy session?
    We will provide you a blanket but if you prefer your own you may bring your own. (if you enjoy weighted blankets, you are welcome to bring one). Warm socks Journal with pen or pencil. If you choose to bring your cell phone, ensure it is turned off or set to “Do Not Disturb” Any personal item that feels comforting, sacred, or meaningful to you (optional)
  • How will I feel right after my ketamine therapy session?
    It is normal to feel some lingering effects of ketamine for several hours after your journey. Remember that you are not permitted to drive, operate machinery, or return to work for the rest of the day. Do not make any major life decisions or sign contracts or other legal documents. You may eat as soon as you wish to. Focus on nourishing and healthy foods and be sure to hydrate. Continue to avoid alcohol and cannabis for the next 24 hours. Clear your schedule of commitments and take the rest of the day to rest, reflect, and engage in nurturing activities such as journaling, drawing, listening to music, meditating, or taking a walk. Journaling is strongly encouraged. This guidebook contains journal prompts to help you reflect on each journey. Don’t hesitate to contact the treatment team if you have questions or need any support.
  • How will I feel in the next few days following a ketamine therapy session?
    You are entering the peak period of increased neuroplasticity. Welcome in more of what you want in your life. Likewise, try to limit what you want less of in your life (for example, news, social media, work stressors, interpersonal conflicts, etc.). During this time, consciously and intentionally repeating new patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving will strengthen the pathways in your brain that support these new, healthier ways of being. This is the ideal time to start a new habit or break an unhealthy one. You may feel inspired to make major life changes. We recommend you hold off on any major life changes (other than stopping toxic behaviors) for at least a few weeks after completing ketamine treatment. In the meantime, reflect on the change, begin to plan for it, and confer with trusted friends, family, and professionals. Connect with your support network as needed. Do not feel pressured to share details with friends or family who may not understand—it is perfectly okay to keep the gifts of the journey for yourself. If you are in talk therapy, appointments scheduled in the days following a journey can be especially productive. Reach out to the treatment team if you have questions or need support
  • How do I create goals to gain the most out of my ketamine therapy sessions at Propel Therapeutics?
    Ketamine therapy at Propel Therapeutics provides an opportunity to discover what is most important to you, and then manifest it in your life in a lasting way. This is a rare and special opportunity. Setting goals can help you make the most of it. Goals provide direction and motivation and help you make decisions aligned with your values. In this section, you will find journal prompts to help you identify your goals for this course of treatment. You are encouraged to consider each prompt and exercise, but you need only answer those which resonate with you. At the end of this section, we will ask you to identify your top three goals for treatment. Know that as you progress through treatment and deepen your understanding of yourself, your goals may change, and that is perfectly okay. Why have I decided to embark on this journey? What would I like to change or shift in my life? What matters most to me? What are the fundamental principles or core values that guide my life? (For ideas, refer to the list of core values in the resource section of this guidebook.) How well does my daily life align with these values? If there is a disconnect, where is it? (Consider domains including family, social life, community, health, work, education, purpose, recreation, spirituality, creativity.) What steps can I take to live my values? Let’s say that ketamine therapy brings me everything I ever hoped and more. In fact, let’s imagine that everything in life has turned out as well as it possibly could. I have worked hard and managed to realize all of my life goals. What does my life look like? What am I doing differently than I am doing now? Consider domains including family, social life, community, health, work, education, purpose, recreation, spirituality, creativity. We hope these exercises have helped you begin reflecting on your values and your goals. A goal is an objective or desired outcome that you will work towards achieving during and after your course of treatment. A goal should be an outcome that you have some degree of control over. For example, while you might hope to “feel better” after treatment, this is not an action over which you have control. A goal might be to “take better care of myself.” You are more likely to make progress toward your goals if you set “SMART” goals: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant to your values, and time-bound. For example, a goal to “exercise more” could be refined to “walk for 30 minutes during my lunch break every day this week.” With this type of goal, you have a clear definition of success, and it is possible to track your progress. What are my top three goals for ketamine therapy, and why? What is the first step towards meeting each goal?
  • What are some journal prompts to help get me prepared for my first ketamine therapy session?
    In this section, you will find journal prompts to help you prepare for your upcoming journeys. You are encouraged to consider each prompt carefully, but you need only answer those which speak to you. Am I ready to let go of control, leave my comfort zone, and open myself to the transformative potential of this healing journey? On the path toward healing, am I mentally and emotionally prepared to confront my deepest fears and sources of pain? How can I honor the power of this medicine and approach it with respect and reverence? What are my fears or concerns about taking ketamine? How can I address them beforehand? What can I do to help myself feel secure and relaxed as I embark on this journey? Is there anything my treatment team can do to help me feel safe in this space? What is important for my treatment team to understand about my current life circumstances or events (moves, major life changes, relationships)? Is there anything about my identity that I would like my treatment team to know (for example, race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, neurodiversity, etc.)? There may be challenging moments in the weeks ahead. How can I support myself through these moments? What resources do I have within me? For example, a sense of purpose, humor, faith, skills such as breathing techniques, practices such as exercise, yoga, etc. What external resources do I have access to? For example, friends, family, a therapist, beloved pets, communities that I belong to, music, nature or favorite places, etc.
  • How do I optimize my mindset going into a ketamine therapy session?
    Mindset refers to your emotional and mental state as you embark on each journey. Your mindset can profoundly influence the experience of the journey at Propel Therapeutics. Slow Down Avoid rushing to Propel Therapeutics straight from work or other responsibilities. Consider taking the entire day off to give yourself time and space to prepare. Activities that cultivate a healing mindset include journaling, yoga, guided meditation, time in nature, walking, or breathing exercises. Release Expectations It is normal to have some expectations, based on what you have heard or read about ketamine and other psychedelics. Know that every experience is unique. No two sessions are alike, even for the same person. Acknowledge your expectations and try to gently release them. Approach your journey with openness, curiosity, a quiet mind, and an open heart. Trust Your Inner Healing Intelligence The human mind and body possess an innate tendency toward healing when given the right conditions and support. For example, a fractured bone will heal itself when supported correctly, with no conscious thought or specific action required. This medicine may dismantle our typical ego defenses which, in seeking to protect us from pain, also prevent us from healing. This allows our inner healing intelligence to emerge. Trust the innate and ancient wisdom of your psyche and allow your inner healing intelligence to guide the journey. Open Your Mind Hold your intention loosely and remain open to the journey as it unfolds. Your intention may not come up, and that is perfectly okay. The journey won’t always bring you what you want, but it will usually bring you what you need. Trust your inner healing intelligence and remain open to what it is trying to show you.
  • What is intention setting in ketamine therapy and how do I do it?
    Setting an intention is an important part of each ketamine journey at Propel Therapeutics. Intentions increase the likelihood of positive and meaningful experiences. To set an intention, ask yourself: What am I hoping to get out of the session? What do I hope to gain or learn from this experience? Is there an area in which I need clarity or understanding? Is there an area I need to work on? Is there something I would like to experience again, something depression or anxiety has taken away from me? Tips: - An intention is open-ended. It is a starting point for the journey. It is the “why” behind the journey, not the “where” or the ultimate destination. Hold your intention loosely and simply allow the journey to unfold. There is no need to control the journey or steer it towards your intention. - Move towards, not away. Our minds naturally focus on the very thing we try to avoid. For example, if the intention is to feel “less sad,” the very use of the word “sad” causes our mind to bring up examples and feelings of sadness. Instead, try to imagine an emotion you’d like to experience instead of sadness. For example, an intention might be to feel lightness or joy. - Ask for help. Ask the medicine, or your inner healing intelligence, for help. It can be useful to phrase your intention as a request: “Show me _____.” For example, “Show me how to accept myself,” or “Show me the way forward.” - There is no right or wrong. Your intention will be unique to you and your goals and needs.
  • Are there any common themes for intentions going into a ketamine therapy session?
    Yes there are. Here are some great themes for intentions: - Self-discovery. Gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your strengths, your weaknesses, your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Why are you the way that you are? Clarify your core values and most deeply held beliefs. - Healing. Work through and make sense of trauma, loss, and other sources of pain. Rewrite your story, remembering that the end is yet to be written. Move forward, even if you are unable to move on. Gain a new sense of acceptance and compassion for yourself. - Restorative experiences. What would you like to feel, if you could? Peace, mental stillness, joy, motivation, and self-acceptance are common examples. - Presence. Remember or learn how to be present in the moment. Focus your attention on the here and now. The present moment is the only thing that truly belongs to us. - Connection. Improve relationships and strengthen your bonds with others. Increase empathy, compassion, and gratitude. Feel a deeper sense of connection to loved ones, your community, the natural world, or the universe. - Creativity. Find inspiration. Explore new forms of self-expression. Discover creative solutions to problems in your life. - Growth. Identify weaknesses, blind spots, or roadblocks that are holding you back. Overcome bad habits and limiting beliefs. Explore your sense of purpose and meaning. Connect with your spirituality or faith. - Exploration. Be truly open to the experience. Receive the wisdom of the medicine. Trust the journey.
  • Will I be asleep during a ketamine infusion session?
    No, you will not be asleep during a ketamine therapy session. Ketamine therapy is an outpatient treatment that involves the administration of a low dose of ketamine. You will be conscious throughout the session. However, you may feel relaxed or drowsy during the session, and some patients report experiencing mild dissociation or altered perceptions. Our trained therapists will guide you through the process, ensuring that you feel safe and comfortable.
  • What medical conditions could keep me from receiving ketamine therapy.
    There are several medical conditions that could prevent someone from receiving ketamine therapy. These conditions include: 1. Active psychosis or mania: If you are currently experiencing symptoms of psychosis or mania, you may not be a good candidate for ketamine therapy. This is because ketamine can sometimes exacerbate these symptoms. 2. Uncontrolled hypertension: If you have high blood pressure that is not well controlled, you may not be able to receive ketamine therapy. 3. Active substance abuse: If you are currently actively abusing substances, you may not be a good candidate for ketamine therapy. 4. Certain medical conditions: There are certain medical conditions, such as severe liver or kidney disease, that may make ketamine therapy unsafe. If you have any medical conditions, it is important to discuss them with the medical team before considering ketamine therapy.
  • How do I get the most out of my ketamine therapy session?
    At Propel Therapeutics, we understand that ketamine therapy can be an effective treatment option for individuals struggling with treatment-resistant depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. To get the most out of your ketamine therapy session, we recommend the following: 1. Prepare yourself mentally and physically before the session: Try to get a good night's sleep, eat a light meal, and avoid caffeine or other stimulants before your appointment. It's also essential to come with a positive and open mindset, ready to engage with the therapy. 2. Set an intention for the session: Before the session begins, take some time to reflect on your goals and intentions for the treatment. This can help you focus your thoughts and emotions during the session, allowing for a more transformative experience. 3. Relax and allow the medication to work: During the session, try to relax and let the medication work. Focus on your breathing, and allow your thoughts and emotions to flow freely, without judgment. 4. Be patient with the process: Ketamine therapy is not a quick fix, and it may take several sessions to see significant improvements. Be patient with the process, and trust that the therapy will work over time. If you have any questions or concerns about your ketamine therapy session, don't hesitate to reach out to our team at Propel Therapeutics. We're here to support you every step of the way.
  • How do I "let go" during a ketamine therapy session?
    Letting go during a ketamine therapy session can be challenging for some individuals. However, it is essential to trust the process and allow yourself to surrender to the experience. Here are some tips to help you let go: 1. Focus on your breath: Focus on your breath and let it guide you. Take deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. By doing so, you'll feel more relaxed and centered. 2. Trust your therapist: Your therapist is there to guide you through the process. Trust them and follow their instructions. They will help you navigate the experience and ensure your safety. 3. Embrace the experience: Ketamine therapy can be a transformative experience. Embrace the sensations and let them wash over you. Don't fight the experience; instead, lean into it. 4. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness can help you stay present and grounded during your ketamine therapy session. Focus on your senses, and observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment. Remember, every ketamine therapy session is unique, and your experience may vary each time. Trust the process and allow yourself to let go. If you have any concerns or questions, talk with our team. They are there to help you.
  • Where can I find ketamine therapy near me?
    Propel Therapeutics offers ketamine therapy at our location on 1010 Hurley Way, Suite 140, Sacramento, California. Our team of experienced team provides personalized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs. To schedule an appointment or learn more about our services, please contact us at 916-915-9215.
  • Can I receive ketamine therapy in Sacramento?
    Yes, Propel Therapeutics offers ketamine therapy for the treatment of depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other mental health conditions. Our clinic is located in Sacramento and our experienced team of professionals will work with you to determine if ketamine therapy is a suitable treatment option for your specific needs. Please contact us to schedule a consultation and discuss your treatment options.
  • Do you play music during a ketamine therapy session?
    Yes, we do play music during ketamine therapy sessions at Propel Therapeutics. We find that music can enhance the therapy experience and help patients relax and focus on their inner experiences.
  • How can music enhance the ketamine therapy session?
    At Propel Therapeutics, we believe in the power of music to elevate the effectiveness of the ketamine therapy session. Music has the ability to enhance the experience and create a more positive and relaxing environment. Our team has carefully curated playlists that are specifically designed to complement the different stages of the ketamine journey, from the initial infusion to final landing. The music is chosen based on its ability to induce a range of feelings and provides for a soundscape for thoughts and space to process through psychological material. Music can help patients process their emotions and thoughts more effectively, leading to a more meaningful and transformative experience.
  • Is ketamine a psychedelic?
    Ketamine is classified as a dissociative anesthetic drug that has hallucinogenic properties. While it is not considered a traditional psychedelic like LSD or psilocybin, it can produce similar effects such as altered perception, distorted sense of time, and changes in mood and thought patterns. Ketamine is currently being used as a treatment for various mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). At Propel Therapeutics, we offer ketamine infusion therapy as a treatment option for individuals struggling with these conditions. Our experienced team of mental health professionals will work with you to determine if ketamine is an appropriate treatment option for your specific needs.
  • Are there any ketamine clinic directories?
    Yes, there are several directories available online that list ketamine clinics across the United States. Some of the popular directories include the Ketamine Advocacy Network and the American Society of Ketamine Physicians. These directories provide information about the location, services offered, and contact details of ketamine clinics. However, it is important to note that these directories are not exhaustive and may not include all ketamine clinics. It is recommended to do thorough research and consult with a healthcare professional before choosing a ketamine clinic.
  • What is "set and setting" in ketamine therapy?
    "Set and setting" refers to the psychological and physical environment in which ketamine therapy is administered. The "set" refers to the mindset and emotional state of the patient, while the "setting" refers to the physical environment in which the treatment takes place. It is believed that the mindset and emotional state of the patient can greatly impact the effectiveness of ketamine therapy. A positive mindset and emotional state can increase the likelihood of a successful treatment outcome. Therefore, it is important for patients to be in a calm and relaxed state of mind prior to treatment. In addition, the physical environment in which the treatment takes place can also impact the patient's experience. A comfortable and calming environment can help reduce anxiety and increase relaxation during the treatment. At Propel Therapeutics, we prioritize creating a safe and comfortable environment for our patients during ketamine therapy sessions. Our team of mental health professionals work closely with patients to ensure they are in a positive mindset and physical environment prior to treatment.
  • Are there any organizations dedicated to ketamine therapy?
    Yes, there are several organizations dedicated to promoting and advancing the use of ketamine therapy for mental health and chronic pain conditions. These organizations include the American Society of Ketamine Physicians, Psychotherapists and Practitioners (ASKP3), the Ketamine Taskforce, and the Ketamine Research Foundation. These organizations offer resources and support for patients, clinicians, and researchers interested in utilizing ketamine therapy as a treatment option for mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD. At Propel Therapeutics, our team stays up-to-date with the latest research and best practices in ketamine therapy to provide the most effective and personalized treatment plans for our patients.
  • Do you have any recommendation for musicians who create music ideal for ketamine journeys?
    Yes. There are several musicians that have created amazing music and soundscapes ideal for ketamine therapy. Jon Hopkins, Garth Stevenson, Porangui, and East Forest create wonderful music ideal for ketamine therapy. At Propel Therapeutics, we understand the importance of creating a comfortable and supportive environment for our clients during their ketamine therapy sessions. In addition to our serene and relaxing treatment rooms, we also offer a curated playlist of music to enhance the experience. Our team has carefully selected music from various genres that are known to be conducive to the ketamine therapy process.
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