Mindset refers to your emotional and mental state as you embark on each journey. Your mindset can profoundly influence the experience of the journey at Propel Therapeutics.
Slow Down
Avoid rushing to Propel Therapeutics straight from work or other responsibilities. Consider taking the entire day off to give yourself time and space to prepare. Arrive to the session early so that you do not feel rushed. Rushing to a session increases your anxiety and may negatively impact what you gain from the session. Activities that cultivate a healing mindset include journaling, yoga, guided meditation, time in nature, walking, or breathing exercises.
Release Expectations
It is normal to have some expectations, based on what you have heard or read about ketamine or from prior sessions. Know that every experience is unique. No two sessions are alike, even for the same person. Many people do not have a psychedelic experience during the session and that is completely normal. Acknowledge your expectations and try to gently release them. Approach your journey with openness, curiosity, a quiet mind, and an open heart.
Trust Your Inner Healing Intelligence
The human mind and body possess an innate tendency toward healing when given the right conditions and support. For example, a fractured bone will heal itself when supported correctly, with no conscious thought or specific action required. This medicine may dismantle our typical ego defenses which, in seeking to protect us from pain, also prevent us from healing. This allows our inner healing intelligence to emerge. Trust the innate and ancient wisdom of your psyche and allow your inner healing intelligence to guide the journey.
Open Your Mind
Hold your intention loosely and remain open to the journey as it unfolds. Your intention may not come up, and that is perfectly okay. The journey won’t always bring you what you want, but it will usually bring you what you need. Trust your inner healing intelligence and remain open to what it is trying to show you.